Bench - Rest

Bench-Rest shooting is a fast developing discipline and many people have requested assistance interpreting the NSRA Bench-Rest Rules to make sure they are shooting in the correct way.
This has prompted the NSRA to clarify the regulations to this relatively new variation. It provides an explanation of the Rules and is supported by pictures to illustrate their application which are posted in the club house. It should be used in conjunction with the full version of the NSRA Rules and Regulations which can be found here.

The Rifle

This discipline is shot from a sitting position, with a precision rifle resting on a front stand located on a bench or table. On top of the rifle is a scope giving far higher magnification than traditional rifle sights – up to 45x. For some competitions the rear of the rifle rests on a sandbag; for others the rifle is placed into the shoulder. Because of this, it is a suitable discipline for many disabled members as they can compete on an equal basis to able-bodied competitors. The rifle can be an adapted Prone rifle or a specialist stock such as the adjacent Anschutz illustrated.

The rifles are chambered in the same manner as the Prone rifles.

The Targets

Ilminster club has opted to enter Bench-Rest leagues which allow Rifle Scopes and as such our current electronic target system set up is not required or indeed necessary. Research is currently been undertaken by the NSRA into this matter as Electronic scoring enables decimal scoring which on the international level would be a requirement at 25/50/100 yds.

Paper targets such as the one illustrated are typically used for League competitions.

Scoring is done by a qualified NSRA Scoring official and shot cards are sent to Bisley for verification. The cards have a smaller center bull to acknowledge that the process of aiming is less complex on a rest with a rifle scope.

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